Photo of this elderly woman has once again made the news in the world of ‘cat satire’

The photo of this elderly woman has once again made the news in the world of what I call ‘cat satire,’ this time as an 83-year-old senior citizen who has trained her 65 cats to steal jewelry and other valuables from her neighbors. Before I continue, please scroll down from the source of this …

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Republished photo of cat wrapped in duct tape is from an animal cruelty case in 2009

For some reason, this photo is in circulation again. The republished photo is causing a stir in the cat advocacy community as inboxes are filled with people wanting justice. This actually happened in Philly in September 2009 but is being represented as breaking new. PennsylvaniaSPCA Humane Law Enforcement Officers arrested James Davis, 19, Sunday for duct …

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