Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) dramatically under-reporting animal cruelty

The FBI under-reports animal cruelty due to a flawed data collection system

A study in the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy leads observers to conclude that the majority of animal cruelty cases in the US go unreported to the FBI and therefore their database on animal cruelty highly suspect, indeed misleading making it perhaps less than worthless. The study authors state that the …

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Diary of alleged Buffalo shooter recorded cat stabbing and mutilation

Payton Gendron

NEWS AND COMMENT: The self-professed white supremacist, Payton Gendron, 18, who is accused of shooting 13 people in Buffalo, USA, of which 10 died, kept a diary in which he detailed the stabbing and mutilation of a feral cat. In the diary he said: “My current beliefs started when I first started to use …

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