5 barriers to domestic cat success (infographic)

5 barriers to domestic cat success

This is a square infographic which illustrates five barriers to domestic cat success. As I state, this is not a criticism of cat domestication. It is realisation that barriers exist. We are two very different species with a lot in common despite the barriers. All five can result in problems in the human-to-cat relationship, …

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Should Cat Claws Be Trimmed?

Should Cat Claws Be Trimmed?

People ask whether they should trim their cat’s claws. The first point to make in answering the question is that, in my view, a very small percentage of cat owners trim their cat’s claws for the simple reason that it is difficult to do because cats don’t like it unless they’ve been trained to …

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Are Pro Declaw People Afraid of Claws?

This is a follow up to my previous article: Hatred or Fear of Cats, where Michael said in a comment: ‘I think there is a subliminal fear of claws which might go back to the beginnings of the human species – millions or at least hundreds of thousands of years. The big cats would …

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