Eureka! Vegan pet food saves planet Earth

Plant-based diet for dogs and cats would be transformative for the world

This is a remarkable study but one that was due to happen as it is now possible to make nutritionally complete and balanced vegan pet food both for dogs and cats. Yes, put aside the notion that cats have to eat processed, sterilized, diseased meat from livestock and road kill and think vegan diet. …

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Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

It’s quite a catchy title, isn’t it? Pets versus jets. The Paw Post coined it. It encapsulates the discussion about whether keeping dogs is more damaging to the environment than the average private jet customer who apparently is responsible for 3.3 tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the environment per year. In contrast, the …

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Cat brings chained dog food

Cat brings food to chained dog

This is a story told in a picture. I don’t have more information. It is charming and I believe that it is probably true but I can’t vouch for it. The picture of the cat and dog is posted on the website. I’ve turned it into an infographic image as it is very suitable for that form of publication. It is not that rare for cats to help dogs and vice versa. It is also cruel to chain dogs all their lives. Terribly cruel actually. It is done by people who are insensitive to the sentience of animals. It is the way they were raised, I guess. They don’t know better. It all comes down to education at the end of the day.

In some states of America permanently chaining dogs like this is banned. It is banned in the UK and it would be illegal to do this in the UK under more than one animal welfare law, the primary one being the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Any country with decent animal welfare laws that are properly enforced would not permit permanently chained dogs. Although most countries have animals welfare laws which would make dog chaining illegal, they do not enforce their laws with enough commitment and so it happens.

Below are some more articles on cats and dogs.

Are cats pickier with food than dogs and if so, why?

The answer is a confident yes and it is mainly to do with their sweet and bitter taste receptors. Humans have over 9,000 taste receptors, dogs have 1,700, while cats have only 473. Dogs taste sweetness much better than cats. Another difference is that dogs are scavengers and cats are not. In round terms …

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Resource guarding by dogs and cats. Food guarding used to assess adoptability of dogs.

Resource guarding by dogs as a way to test for adoptability

In this article I’m going to discuss resource guarding in cats and dogs. It is a much more important topic for dogs because it can lead to injury but this is very rarely the case for cats. Therefore, the dog section is much bigger than the cat section! One dog behaviorist assesses a dog’s …

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