Analysis of the impact of TNR programs on populations of feral cats

Comparisons of outcome data from similar TNR studies

I’m looking at two sets of data in this article. The first one that I refer to comes from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. They commenced a TNR program to manage the population of about 69 unowned urban cats on their campus. The programme proved successful. Obviously, this pleases me. …

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Unusual picture of feral and stray cats feeding

This unusual photograph of feral and stray cats supplied and posted by Purrfect Hearts Cat Rescue on Facebook caught my eye. Purrfect Hearts is a cat rescue and adoption group in Wilson, NC run entirely by volunteers. They rely solely on donations from the community. You can see the family connections in the cats …

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Not feeding feral cats does not get to the root of the ‘feral cat problem’

Feeding the staving cats

The city of Weed in Siskiyou County, California, has decided to ban the feeding of feral cats. The law is not yet passed but when it is, if you live in Weed, you will not be allowed to feed feral cats in public places including on streets, sidewalks, alleyways and in parks. The objective …

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You can get sacked for feeding cats at Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University community cat is fed

NEWS AND COMMENT-FLORIDA, USA: As an employee of Nova Southeastern University (NSU) you can be terminated from your employment if you feed the stray cats on the campus. That is the directive as stated in an email issued by Vice President Daniel Alfonso with the approval of President George Hanbury. The report comes from …

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Feral cat feeders versus senior citizens over the cats in a park in Mumbai, India

Feral cats of park in Mumbai - Maheshwari Udyan

MUMBAI, INDIA-NEWS AND COMMENT: The police based at Matunga Police Station have told the senior citizens who use a beautiful park called Maheshwari Udyan that they cannot have the feral cats in that park relocated out of the park. The senior citizens who use this park, which is under a flyover, say that the …

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Feral cats found dead or dying stuck to glue traps in Compton

Feral cats of Compton, California

COMPTON, CALIFORNIA-NEWS AND COMMENT: The usual feud has been sparked off by the presence of feral cats in Compton. Feral cats have the ubiquitous ability to divide society. On the one hand you have animal rights advocates who are sensitive to the welfare of feral cats even if they agree that they are a …

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