Indignation at pet owning South Korean girl band after handling baby panda

Blackpink members handle panda cub

Background Blackpink is a South Korean girl band formed by YG Entertainment consisting of members Jisoo, Jenniw, Rosé and Lisa. Everland in South Korea as a theme park and vacation resort located in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. It opened in April 1976. At the resort they have a three-month-old baby panda, Fu Bao, who was born …

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Stray cats are diseased but humans aren’t. Discuss.

Dirty stray kitten being bathed and accepting it

There is a perception among some people that stray cats are diseased and can transmit infections to people. I’m reminded of this by a woman in Hong Kong, Icy Song, who runs into stray cats on her way to Lingnan University. She comments as follows: Although I feel pity for the stray cats, I …

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Feral Cats Are Healthier and Live Longer Than Thought

Bald eagle eats black cat in middle of town

An extensive study published on September 13, 2013 on Plos One regarding the feral and stray cats of greater Chicago indicated to the researchers that feral cats are healthier and survive for longer than they had thought. The study came up with some interesting findings. Note: As you can see this was published getting …

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What is vertical transmission of pathogens in cats?

Horizontal and vertical transmission of disease in cats

Whereas horizontal transmission of pathogens (germs) is between one cat to another both of whom are not in a parent to child relationship, vertical transmission is between mother and offspring as a foetus or kitten in utero. For example, feline parvovirus can be spread vertically if the queen (mother cat) becomes infected whilst pregnant. …

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Vaccination in Cat Shelters Is Absolutely Essential

A recent article by Elisa Black-Taylor about an outbreak of feline panleukopenia (aka feline parvovirus, feline distemper) at the Hartnett County Animal Shelter got me thinking. The outbreak resulted in the euthanasia of all the cats in the shelter in order to prevent the spread of the infection (55 approx.). The virus which causes …

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Parasitic Disease Carried by the Bobcat and Transmitted by the Tick is More Prevalent Than Believed

It appears that, in America, cat owners may have to reassess the possibility of their cat being infected by a very nasty protozoan blood parasite which is often fatal and which is injected into the cat when bitten by a tick. The reassessment may be required because if cat owners thought that ticks were …

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