Why does a cat lick her face when it is not dirty?

My cat by my side while I write this article

The cat does not lick her face. They lick their nose leather; the tip of their nose because it is the easiest part of their anatomy to get to. It is a displacement activity. In doing this activity the cat displaces their feelings of anxiety, uncertainty or unease often because they are motivated to …

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Your cat swallows after you have physically interacted with her. Why?

Well selected cats can benefit ASD kids and the cats cope well

For years now I have noticed that my cat sometimes swallows 1-3 times after I have physically interacted with him. What do I mean by ‘physical interaction’? It might be flea combing him. That’s a good example. It is a pleasant experience for both of us. He actively asks for it. Or your cat …

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What does it mean if my cat keeps trying to lick his nose?

Feline nose lick displacement activity

Presuming in this answer that the cat is healthy, the reason why a domestic cat licks his nose is because he is agitated or puzzled by something. It can also mean the cat is unsure about something. It could be something very minor. You may be inadvertently doing things which concern your cat slightly. …

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“Incredible Singing Cat” is vocalized anxiety

Singing cat is an anxious cat

There are some singing cats on YouTube. The star, ‘signing cat’ is the one in the video below. It is by pure chance that the sound this cat makes has hints of the sound of a person signing. All domestic cats have the potential to make this sound but not all do. There are …

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Cat Displacement Activity

Cats have various displacement activities. They include: grooming nose licking tail wagging People also engage in displacement activity. It is very commonplace. It results from indecision and uncertainty. The indecision may arise because there are two or more choices and the animal engaged in displacement activity is unsure which choice to take. He is …

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