For the sake of us and our cats, make clean indoor air a legal right

Indoor air quality

In the UK, leading doctors have called for clean indoor air quality to be covered by the law. Going through Parliament at the moment is a bill and the Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have urged Michael Gove, the environment secretary, to include indoor air quality in …

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My 18 year old cat seems to be going deaf and has health problems. Advice?

My 18-year-old beloved tortoiseshell (calico) long-hair female seems to be going deaf. Her sight is already impaired in one of her eyes. So concerned over her as she no longer wants to go out, does not trust anyone other than me and is losing confidence. I even now have to feed her in my …

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Feline Hypothyroidism

by Michael (London, UK) Feline hypothyroidism is thyroid deficiency. It is rare in cats. It most commonly occurs after operations on the thyroid gland or treatment for hyperthyroidism. It is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which is in the cat’s neck. An inadequate amount of thyroid is produced by the gland. The prefix …

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