Understanding the importation requirements for a domestic cat when travelling from Canada to the UK
Planning to travel from Canada to the UK with your cat? Get insights on importation requirements for domestic cats. Read our guide now.
Planning to travel from Canada to the UK with your cat? Get insights on importation requirements for domestic cats. Read our guide now.
I’ve been asked to look into how you can take your Savannah cat with you to the UK from the USA. This will apply to any domestic cat. The Savannah cat in question is an F3 but this is irrelevant in this instance. Note: In the UK, F2, F3 and F4 Savannah cats are …
The thing that I particularly don’t like about rabies in the USA in the domestic cat is that if a domestic cat for whatever reason bites a person including their owner, they might assume that the cat has caught rabies because it is out of character. They might contact a veterinarian. That would be …
It depends to a certain extent where you are. I will discuss the USA and UK. This is a tricky topic partly because the advice varies depending on where you live and because the internet is not great it providing concise information on this subject. USA Background info: As you probably know, it is …
As the word at the beginning of the question is “can” I can discuss it theoretically. Theoretically a domestic cat could kill a human directly (physically) under very exceptional and infinitesimally rare circumstances but there are probably instances where domestic cats in countries other than in the West have killed humans indirectly by transferring …
Clearly, a decreased contact with other cats is a powerful way of reducing the exposure of a cat to pathogens. And if a cat is kept indoors full-time under careful caregiving and they are the only cat in that home there is no contact with other animals from which they can contract a contagious …
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tell us that there has been no confirmed cases of rabies transmission from cats (domestic, stray or feral) in over 45 years. There have been two cases of rabies in humans acquired from cats since 1960 in the US. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED THERE ARE SOME MORE …
Grand Island, Nebraska, USA: a man, Dennis Stoltenberg, was attacked by a feral cat on his property last week. The circumstances of the attack have not been reported. We do know, however, that the cat clamped onto his hand with his jaws and wouldn’t let go causing 50 puncture wounds, some of which punctured …