Case of veterinarian who killed cat will go to District Attorney

According to an April 21 report by ABC13 News, the case of a Texas veterinarian who killed a cat with a bow and arrow will go to the Austin County District Attorney. Austin County Sheriff Jack Brandes announced Tuesday morning that the investigation into Kristen Lindsey has been turned over to the Austin County …

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My Interview with Dr. Kirsten Doub, Director of Paw Project Utah

I recently had the extreme pleasure of interviewing Utah veterinarian Dr. Kristen Doub. She is a cat lover extraordinaire who is greatly concerned about feline health and their welfare. But what is extra-special about Dr. Doub’s practice is her unwillingness to declaw cats and the extraordinary research she is doing to prove that cats …

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Will Women Veterinarians Stop the Declawing of Cats In the USA?

Traditionally, women are the nurturers and men are the hunters. It seems that those roles are cast in concrete. These roles go back to the beginning of homo sapiens. The roles are alive and well today. Perhaps men are deliberately ensuring that these specific roles remain in place because it suits them. It is …

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