In New York State feral cats have the same status as domestic cats

It is important in terms of how the citizens of New York State relate to feral cats to realise (if they don’t already) that feral cats are considered as companion animals under section 350 of the New York State Agriculture and Market Law. The law protects animals and the word ‘animal’ in this statute …

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East Bay Regional Park District staff admit to shooting cats and failing to communicate beforehand

Cat killing controversy

East Bay Regional Park District is a system of parklands and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to the east of San Francisco, California, USA. In all it covers 125,000 acres in seventy-three parks with over 1,250 miles of trails. There is clearly lots of wildlife there, including birdlife. The park staff have …

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New York State Parks Office suddenly decide to trap and remove managed feral cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: BETHPAGE STATE PARK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK STATE: For a very long time volunteers have been looking after the feral cats on Bethpage State Park. There is a long established colony and one of the current volunteers looking after them is John Stravato, 67, who said that he’s been caring for …

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Brazil’s Cat Island

Brazil's Cat Island

The cats of Brazil’s Cat Island need help because the coronavirus pandemic has left them supported to a much lower level than before. Tourists who fed the cats don’t travel to the island anymore due to coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions. It is believed that the colony of semi-domesticated stray cats on this small island …

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Cats that live in groups

It is wrong to say that only lions live in groups because feral and stray cats live in colonies. And domestic cats in households often live in small groups too. Both the lion and the domestic cat are different species of cat (Panthera leo and Felis silvestris catus respectively). You might find that the …

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Are cats altruistic?

Kittens and queen

I discuss community cats and lions. Let’s define altruism first. It is an act of selflessness when concerned about the welfare and well-being of others. In other words for cats it is giving to another in terms of actions without demanding anything back. It is unconditional. I don’t think domestic cats can be purely …

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Feral cats prefer insects and frogs on island with many migrating birds

Kittycam footage

This is another study, this time written up on the National Geographic website, which debunks the myth about feral cats having a cataclysmically destructive impact on America’s birds. It is a myth which ornithologists disseminate relentlessly. Clearly feral and outdoor domestic cats do prey on birds but the numbers that are quoted are guesstimates …

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