Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

The headline is somewhat startling. Australians, reading this article, would be horrified because the authorities in Australia are super-sensitive to feral cat predation of native species. And the reason why feral cats are on the island of Australia is because of human carelessness in the first-place hundreds of years ago. And here, today, we …

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In Australia if you kill foxes feral cat numbers increase in places where these ‘pests’ are sympatric

In Australia where the fox and feral cat are sympatric if you poison foxes to death with bait the feral cats tend to do better and kill more prey animals

The Conversation website boldly states that “baiting foxes can make feral cats even more brazen”. That statement is based on a study of 1.5 million camera traps photographs taken in forests of Australia. They studied the photographs by hand. ‘Sympatric’ – where wild animals live in the same area or their distribution overlaps. Is …

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Has the domestic cat become a pest in preying on 2,084 species worldwide?

Has the domestic cat become a pest?

Introduction: This article conerns a new study on cat predation. The first point to make is that the study I’m referring to concerns “free-ranging cats (Felis catus)”. That’s important because across the world there are many small wild cat species which prey upon many types of animal. This study and this article is about …

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4 places where domestic cats are totally banned

Svalbard where cats are banned

Svalbard: is probably the best-known place on the planet where domestic cats are entirely banned to protect wildlife. The main town in this remote archipelago (a cluster of islands) is Longyearbyen which is the administrative center. It is the most northerly human settlement in the world. The island is an icy wilderness with polar …

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Cat owners are unconcerned about wildlife predation by their cats

Brightly coloured collar help to protect birds from cat predation

There is a lot of talk nowadays about the killing of small mammals, marsupials and reptiles plus birds by unsupervised domestic cats outdoors, stray cats and feral cats. This topic highlights the biggest negative against domestic cat ownership currently on the agenda. Since 2005 there have been discussions about how to minimise the impact …

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What is the hunting success rate of feral cats?

Study on the hunting success rate of feral cats in Australia

If you search the Internet for an answer to the question in the title, be prepared to be misled. I will explain what I mean. People expect to find a specific percentage, a definitive answer to the question. You won’t find one. I am convinced of it. I have spent a good 30 minutes …

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Example of how a journalist carelessly distorts information on domestic and feral cat predation

Don't trust newspaper journalists to get cat predation rates correct!

I think that this is important. I have been digging around because I know that journalists writing for respected websites including news media website often distort the facts. They make claims and hard statements which simply are not true. They quote scientific reports but in doing so they actually misquote them. This is a …

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Complex interplay between Australia’s feral cats, invasive rabbits and native mammals

Feral cat of Australia

There is a confusing (to me) and complex interplay between the feral cats on the Australian continent, the rabbits upon which they prey, and the conservation of precious native mammals. European rabbits were introduced to Australia in the 18th century. European cats were also introduced to the continent at a similar time (as were …

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