TNR Advocates, Friends of Felines Cape Hatteras Island Offer $1000 Reward

Friends of Felines

Cape Hatteras Island is a long, skinny barrier island off the coast of North Carolina. It appears to be quite near where the well-known author about cats, Elisa-Black Taylor lives. She has written for PoC for many years. The mission statement of the Friends of Felines Cape Hatteras Island is to gradually and humanely …

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In Germany Un-neutered Tomcats Will No Longer be Allowed to Roam Free

Stray Cat

The agriculture minister of Germany, Christian Schmidt, has declared that male cats who have not been neutered will not be allowed to leave the family home and roam free. What about unspayed females? I suppose the same rule applies. It appears that for the first time Germany has joined other countries such as New …

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New York Governor Cuomo Vetoes State Funding of TNR Programs

The law had been debated and agreed (A 2778/S 1081). It only required the signature of Governor Cuomo for this bill to become law which would formalize trap-neuter-return programs (TNR) in New York state and which would have made provision for some state funding of the TNR programs. This law would have been a …

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Ex-firefighter Fed Feral Cats and Was Charged by the Police

Michael Marra, 59, an ex-firefighter, and Bloomfield resident, fed and cared for a colony of around 90 feral cats living at the extensive Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford. He had done this continuously for ten years and then the police, last December, decided to charge him for illegally trespassing on sports complex land …

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Removal of Cats May Not Result in the Recovery of a Threatened Species

Cat predation study

Ecosystems are complex. In order to understand the role of the domestic cat in respect of predation, it is important to recognise that the cat is one of a large group of predators some of which are native and some introduced (non-native species). Other introduced species such as rats and mice can have an …

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Contraceptive Darts to Control Feral Cat Populations?

Noting that contraceptive darts are currently being used against wild horses in Wales to keep their population numbers down, I did a bit of Internet searching to see whether contraceptive darts had ever been used to control feral cat populations. The answer appears to be a definitive No. There may be a number of …

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Australia Still Searching for Ways to Deal with their Feral Cats

For several years, in full public view on the Internet, the Australian authorities have been searching for ways to bring the feral cat on their continent under their control. They want to eradicate the feral cat and have put forward ambitious plans to kill millions but time and again it has dawned upon them …

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