Dog switched on toaster and almost killed the family cat

Dog switches on a toaster

The Times headline is, “Cat was almost toast when dog started kitchen blaze”. A nice headline but obviously a serious connotation because the story describes a pet dog almost killing the family cat after starting a house fire by accidentally turning on the family’s toaster. Herbie is the name of the dog. They think …

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People with more than 10 cats should comply with customized fire regulations

Fire at cat hoarder's home Woodbury, Orange County.

NEWS AND COMMENT: I have said before, almost a year ago, that people who want to keep a large number of cats in their home should be subject to specific and customised fire regulations. Cat hoarders who have 10 or more cats in their home are treated by the local authorities as ordinary residents, …

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Tucson Fire Department called in to rescue cat whose tail became severely tangled in barbed wire

cat tangled

A Tucson, Arizona cat is safe and recovering Monday night after his tail became so severely tangled in some barbed wire the Tucson Fire Department was called in to help. Animal Protection Officer Girvin responded to a call of a cat stuck in barbed wire near Ajo and Mission. The @TucsonFirePIO department was called …

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‘River’s heartbreaking story reminds us why it’s so important to call the city when stray animals are seen in freezing temperatures’

This is the happy ending story of River, a black cat found injured and “clinging to life” in the middle of the Rideau River. Thankfully, firefighters were able to rescue him and get him emergency veterinary treatment.

NY fire department shares photos of cat rescued from the wheel well of a car

A New York cat was rescued from between the engine and oil pan of a car on Saturday when it became trapped in the wheel well of a car.  Defreestville Fire Department has shared the rescue on social media along with an album of photos. Defreestville Fire Department is located in Troy, New York. …

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Warwickshire cat almost shipped off. Until his brother raised the alarm

A cat in Mancetter, Warwickshire almost took the ride of a lifetime after being packed in a shipping container. Aslan was last seen in his home on Wednesday. The family had no idea where he’d run off too but noticed his brother Arlo was staying close to a shipping container at a nearby factory …

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Cat named Noelle rescued by firefighters from underground concrete space beneath a chimney

This happy ending story comes out of Meridian Township, Michigan where a cat named Noelle found herself stuck inside an underground concrete space beneath the chimney of her owner’s home. Noelle….chimney….Christmas….hhmmmm…. Noelle is a three-year-old blue cream tortoise-shell who decided to investigate somewhere she shouldn’t at her 4200 block on Indian Glen Drive home …

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NY cat rescued from apartment by fire department during a house fire

A cat in North Tonawanda, New York was rescued from an apartment during a house fire on Payne Avenue Saturday morning. North Tonawanda Police Department praised the North Tonawanda Fire Department on their Facebook page. The cat was found inside the apartment around 10:45 a.m. and had to be treated on-scene for smoke inhalation …

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