Cat haters loathe decent women who feed community cats

There is a simmering undercurrent of loathing by cat haters directed at decent ladies who tenderly feed feral and community cats. It erupts into pure hate-filled violence from time to time. This is an example. This little vignette of violence concerns one of the icons of hero worship: the firefighter. They are a bit …

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Firefighter fights to save kitten using oxygen mask

This is a powerful story of an attempted cat rescue that sadly failed but which succeeded in leaving a legacy: pet oxygen masks donated to the Fresno firefighters by a generous person after reading the story. Back in June 2013, a kitten lost it’s life to a fire, despite the desperate attempts by Fresno, …

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How much do you spend to rescue a cat?

This is about a cat rescued from a tree, in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. It took several hours of work by: Seven firefighters with their fire engine and a hydraulic platform Police and a police car An RSPCA inspector A road blocked for an hour …to rescue the cat who had been up a tree for …

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