1 in 10 cats afflicted with hyperthyroidism in USA possibly caused by TDCIPP


This is a pet subject of mine. You can’t see it, feel it or smell it but it is dangerous and it affects us and our cat companions. I have written about this before. However, a recent article on the phys.org website compels me to address this issue again today. The author says that …

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Link found between modern flame retardant and feline hyperthyroidism

Where flame retardants are found

A link has been found between a modern flame retardant and cats who suffer from hyperthyroidism. This must be concerning to cat guardians. Back in the 1970s manufacturers began to use flame retardants in polyurethane foam in furniture (and other items). These flame retardants are called PBDEs. In 2004, US manufacturers started to voluntarily …

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Cats and Kids Exposed To Flame Retardants Years After They Have Been Banned

Flame retardants are extremely persistent. Years after they have been banned they are still leaching out of old products. Both children and cats are particularly vulnerable to flame retardants. Cats sit and spend time lying on furniture and other household items which have been treated with flame retardants. Kids are more likely than adults …

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Cat owners should get rid of house dust regularly

Research indicates that house dust contains flame retardant chemicals (from sofas and chairs), arsenic, lead and DDT. I suspect that, through usage, flame retardant chemicals are ejected from furniture over time. Although DDT was banned in America in 1972, it remains in many homes because it stays in the home at the base of …

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USA: Furniture That Is Fire Retardant Free

Almost all furniture in the West would seem to contain fire retardants. It difficult to understand the regulations/legislation on fire retardants in furniture because it is very complicated and they vary across the USA. However, California sets the standard (the wrong standard, some would say) and their legislation encourages the use of fire retardants …

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Fire Retardants: A Concern for Cat Owners

Fire retardants are potentially a big problem in modern furniture that contains foam. It is a hidden problem unrecognised by many people to which cats are particularly vulnerable because they spend lots of time on chairs and sofas and also on the floor. The chemicals used as fire retardants are volatile and end up …

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