Can I cuddle my cat if she has fleas?

Kitten with bad flea infestation

Well, sigh. Someone asked the question in the title and it is slightly strange because common sense applies. I think the answer is that you don’t want to cuddle your cat if they have a lot of visible fleas. The best thing to do is to remove the fleas first or asap. It isn’t …

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Bumps and scabs on ears during summer. A cause.

Bumps and scabs on ears in summer is possibly caused by a seasonal allergy to pollen or grass

This might be an instructive story which may guide some cat owners but please remember that cat owners who are unqualified in veterinary medicine should be very cautious about self-diagnosis through Internet research. You might get some ideas through personal research but you will probably need the input of a veterinarian which of course …

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First hand experience that anxiety can cause overgrooming in cats

Overgrooming in cats can be quite a serious health problem. Cats can lick the fur off their bodies and don’t even stop there, sometimes. A cat can lick exposed skin raw to the point where it bleeds and becomes infected. Then the skin might itch. Your cat might scratch it and so the problem …

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