Catastrophe: Florida panther stricken with ataxia, staggering and falling. Cause?

Ataxia in Florida Panthers

UPDATE: 10-4-21 – It looks like this is an epidemic of feline leukomyelopathy (FLM) which also affects bobcats (but see end of article for another suggestion). They think it might be a neurotoxin or a virus. They are working on it. It it is very serious and it may severely impact the Florida panther …

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Florida man brings tiny ‘cheetah’ kitten to firefighters and discovers that it is a bobcat

Tiny female bobcat kitten found and taken to a wildlife refuge

Florida, USA: There is a moral to this story and it is made by the Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge and Education Center. “If a citizen spots a displaced, injured, or orphaned wild bobcat, the first thing they should do is contact their local wildlife rehabilitation facility for advice to determine if the animal …

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Florida Bobcat

by Michael (London, UK) The Florida bobcat (Lynx rufus floridanus) doesn’t exist. That is what the major authorities on the world’s wild cats say. I am referring to: Wild Cats Of The World (Sunquists) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (Red List) Both of these sources make no mention of the Florida bobcat. The …

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