Hair bobbles (hair ties) are dangerous to cats as too often they like to ingest them

Nero and Lucy the vet who removed the hair ties. Eleven in all with an endoscope. Image: Westway Veterinary Group.

I’ve decided after a quick search on the Internet to declare to the world that hair bobbles are very dangerous objects from the domestic cat’s point of view. It’s a product which is very useful to humans but a product which is very dangerous to cats. A clash of two different worlds. This kind …

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New hazard to domestic cats: Nerf darts

There is a new domestic cat hazard on the block and it is Nerf darts. Anybody interested in providing high quality cat caregiving needs to be aware of this problem. If you live with a domestic cat companion and have children this is a genuine hazard to your cat. There are some horrendous stories …

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Scotch tape is a household hazard for domestic cats

Quincy a cat addicted to eating tape

I didn’t know it because I’ve never seen my cat try to eat Scotch tape i.e. transparent, one-sided tape that we all use, but too many cats like to sniff it, chew it and even eat it. Why do they do this? And is it dangerous? Well, you can answer the latter question very …

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WARNING: disposable plastic gloves are a potential hazard to domestic cats

Disposable gloves a potential hazard to domestic cats

This story from Philadelphia about a cat called Foxxy is a lesson to all cat guardians to make sure that disposable plastic gloves, which are used much more at present due to the coronavirus pandemic, need to be disposed of quickly after use because they appear to pose a hazard to some domestic cats. …

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Dog versus cat: Let’s talk injuries, torture, death and equal punishment under felony animal cruelty laws

booby trapped chicken

I sincerely hope this will be a good discussion article on companion animals being injured and tortured and dying from those injuries. I won’t go into sentencing because we all know those who harm dogs get a harsher punishment than those who harm cats. Every state now considers animal cruelty a felony but that …

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Ipswich, Australia cat is lucky to be alive after eating a ball of wool

An Ipswich, Australia cat is lucky to be alive after eating a ball of wool. This is a story I can’t get the whole scoop on because all of the sources I checked are only available with a media subscription. I was able to gather enough information on Google to get an idea of …

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Foreign Object Blockage Almost Killed North Carolina Cat

This is the story of Betty, a sweet 2-year-old kitty rescued along with her sister Veronica from Chester Animal Control when they were less than a month old by Susan Schreck, founder of Saving Southern Kitties. Susan is well known in the Carolina cat community. Her rescues these days come mostly from Greenville County …

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