Moggy foster cat unexpectedly gave birth to a Lykoi aka werewolf kitten

Gracie with Brianna before Gracie lost her fur

An ‘ordinary’ random-bred (moggy) cat that was being fostered by Brianna Walton in the US gave birth to a litter of kittens one of whom Brianna named Gracie. She was fond of Gracie and decided to adopt her. And then strangely, when Gracie was five weeks old, she started to lose her fur. She …

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Homeless cat’s long journey to ‘furever’ happiness


This is the story of Bubby, a three legged, ginger tabby-and-white male cat with sad eyes and a charming character. He lives in Canada. Going back about eight years, he was a street cat enduring a difficult life. He showed up at the home of a man who had a cat named Seson and …

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Picture of a calico foster kitten

This is a really nice picture of a calico foster kitten at Central Florida Fosters, Central Park, Florida. It was taken by Danielle with her right hand while she held the kitten with her left. She no doubt used a smartphone as they are so competent nowadays when it comes to photography. Straightforward and …

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One month of excellent foster care and this young cat is transformed and adopted

Okie a rescue cat fostered to recovery by Nikki

These comparison pictures of a young cat taken soon after what must have been a rescue and one month later under the foster care of Nikki Martinez show a remarkable transformation in health. I love these sorts of photos because they are so positive. They give me optimism and remind me that there are …

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Kitten with 4 ears and one eye finds a forever home with fosterer who fell in love with him

This is the happy ending story of Little Frankie, a young kitten found in Australia under a house along with his brother. He recently found a forever home with the fosterer who fell in love with him. The siblings were cared for by the family but soon realized he needed more care than they …

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