Vimago™ is a new diagnostic scanning device which produces incredible images of inside your companion animal


A Vimago™ scan. The video is interesting for the imagine quality. You might ask your vet if they are thinking about getting a Vimago™ scanning device. It’ll help him/her diagnose disease and benefit the patients who attend her clinic. I am impressed with the image quality that this device creates. Vimago™ is a new …

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Shaming people does not help. It forces them into seclusion and takes the kitties there with them

Posted December 30, 2018 by Rae Bitner Introduction by Elisa: I found this story as I was checking the various groups and thought it was one that needed to be told. This is as it should be. Helping people, one case at a time.  I Just want to put this out there… About a month …

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U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is caring for injured cats from the Camp Fire

The U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine (located in Davis, California) is caring for injured cats from the deadly Camp Fire. While sad, the number of rescues, veterinary services, and volunteers stepping up to help these poor animals shows how well a community can come together during a natural disaster. A Facebook post from November …

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Got an old washing machine? Use it as a cat shelter.

Old washing machines used for cat homes1

A veterinarian in Portugal, supported by the local council has started an imaginative program of providing individual shelters for stray and feral cats using old washing machines. I am referring to the ones that you load horizontally of course. I realise that in the US there are some enormous vertical loading machines. It sounds …

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The Veterinarian’s Intellectual and Intuitive Mind

Dr. Dennis Thomas D.V.M.

Dr Dennis Thomas DVM has written an intriguing article on his website about how veterinarians go about their business in diagnosing illness. The best veterinarians use both their intellectual, conditioned mind and their intuition in a balanced partnership. The intellectual, rational mind tends not to listen to the client but flips through its database …

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A Feline Friendly Veterinary Practice Can Ease Anxiety For cat And Guardian

Dr. Sandy at work with Hush Puppy. Photo: Jo Singer.

Kitty guardians understand that taking a cat to the vet can be very stressful. In many cases this may even cause some owners to avoid taking their cat to the vet. Additionally there are cat owners who actually believe that their kitty doesn’t need routine wellness or preventative veterinary care. However if owners would …

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Taiwanese veterinarian overwhelmed with concern for stray animals euthanized herself

Vet and dog

Her name is Chien Chih-cheng. She was a very bright woman who graduated from Taiwan’s top university. She had the highest mark in the civil service exam. She could have worked anywhere but chose an animal shelter where she showed massive dedication but became suicidal over the high kill rate. On 5th May 2015, …

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