Can faecal microbiota transplants in cats or humans result in needed weight loss?

FMT for weight loss in cats and people?

The question in the title was prompted by me because of a study that is being conducted at present which is assessing faecal microbiota transplants as a means to achieve weight loss in cats. A $73,199 grant has been awarded to Ohio State University for Jenessa Winston, DVM, PhD, DACVIM to conduct the research. …

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Good gut microbiome when young is important for cat and human health later

God gut and bad gut microbiome health has impact on overall health

The gut microbiome is important for cat health and of course all animals and humans. I am not a vet but I know a bit about cats and also about human health. I also know that if the stomach microbiome is messed up it can cause autoimmune diseases such as inflammation of the arteries …

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How does a cat caregiver improve their cat’s gut microbiome?

How does a cat caregiver improve their cat’s gut microbiome?

The health of a domestic cat’s gut microbiota is very important to their health. A healthy gut microbiome improves and supports a healthy immune system. It affects hormones and general welfare. It’s something that cat caregivers should, I believe, think about. In this article I discuss how a caregiver might improve their cat’s gut …

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Can antibiotics cause diarrhoea in cats?

Antibiotics can cause diarrhea in cats

You could ask the same question about humans, dogs or other animals. And certainly, antibiotics can cause diarrhoea in cats. Note the word ‘can’. You do not have to search far to come to that conclusion. AAD For instance, in the human world, they even have an acronym on the topic. It is AAD …

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Question your veterinarian about prescribing antibiotics without proof of a bacterial infection

Don't accept antibiotics from your veterinarian unless they are clearly indicated

I’m going to be slightly provocative. But I think cat caregivers should sometimes, gently and politely, challenge their veterinarian. And there’s one particular treatment where this attitude may be important. It is the prescription of antibiotics. I think it is probably known that veterinarians tend to prescribe antibiotics as a precaution. They don’t know …

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