Pictures of odd-eyed hairless cats are eye-catching

Rosie and Poppy live with Sarah Jenkins who lives in the US. Sarah is a teacher and she decided to share her quality photos of her Sphynx odd-eyed cats on social media because someone said that they looked ‘weird’. Weird is good on social media especially if they are cats. It is an excellent …

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Impaired behavior of hairless domestic cats

Andreas Steiger in the book The Welfare of Cats tabulates an interesting list of symptoms and associated welfare problems concerning hairless cats, the best known of which is the Sphynx. The Sphynx is a popular cat breed with many fans although it is not mainstream because of it’s rather extreme appearance. The first welfare …

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Elf Cat

Elf Cat. Photo: copyright Kristen Leedom’s cattery Introduction This is an entirely new breed of cat at 2008; a deliberate hybridization of two well known cats, the Sphynx and the American Curl. The result, as expected, is an extremely interesting hairless, curly eared cat. This breed is at the early stages of development and …

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Don Sphynx

Introduction First things first; this breed of cat is not related to the better known Sphynx (aka “Canadian Hairless”, “Moon Cat” and “Moonstone Cat”). This cat is native to Russia. The Donsky follows the Sphynx in terms of date of origin (1966 for Sphynx and 1987 for Donsky). OK, the Don Sphynx (aka “Don …

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