The wrinkly skin of hairless cats

Sphynx crinkled or wrinkly skin on top of head

The wrinkly skin of hairless cats is caused by what? I have tried to answer the question but I’m reliant on speculating what I think might cause it. Some people might believe that cats with normal coats have the sort of wrinkled skin that we see in these photographs. However, this simply isn’t true. …

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Picture of the chest and forelegs of a Bambino cat

Picture of the forelegs of a Bambino cat, a dwarf hairless cat

This is a picture of the chest and forelegs of a Bambino cat and I find it interesting. You would be forgiven for believing that you were not looking at a cat at all but some strange creature from another planet. The anatomy has an abstract appearance. The Bambino is a hairless dwarf cat, …

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Hairless cat earwax buildup (a discussion)

The public is told that earwax buildup is greater in hairless cats than normal. Because there is a greater than normal buildup of earwax in hairless cats, the ears have to be cleaned more frequently. However, there is some mystifying information surrounding hairless cat ear wax which I would like to discuss on this …

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Are all domestic cats wrinkly like hairless cats but we just can’t see it?

Odd-eyed hairless cats

This is a interesting question. It is certainly peculiar that we are seeing many hairless cats with incredibly wrinkly skin particularly on the top of their heads. I’m not sure that there is a caste iron answer to the question as to why hairless cats have wrinkly skin. Certainly, cats with fur do not …

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Are hairless cats hypoallergenic?

Temporary bipedal cat!

No, hairless cats are not hypoallergenic per se but if you are allergic to cats your reaction to a hairless cat may be less than it would otherwise be to a normal cat with a coat. I’ll explain why. The allergen which causes people to be allergic to cats is the Fel d1 protein …

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