Please screw lids on food jars before disposing of them to protect stray cats and other animals

Cat caught in net with jar on his head

It is not uncommon for domestic, stray or feral cats to get their heads stuck in open food jars. It can happen very easily. It seems that the classic glass jar has a diameter which is just sufficient to allow the head of a young cat to get into it, to lick the food …

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Fireworks are poisonous to cats if ingested

Black cat fireworks sign

It had never occurred to me but if a cat or dog ingests a used firework thats lying around after having been set off (there are many) then it could poison them. It doesn’t surprise me to be told by the Pet Poison Helpline that fireworks contain hazardous chemicals such as potassium nitrate. I’m …

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Allegedly some cats eat the pellets of the Tidy Cats Breeze Litter System

This information may have been superseded by further events. It’s rather strange but some people have asked why the Cat Breeze litter system was discontinued. As far as I am aware it has not been discontinued. However, if you dig around on Amazon checking out the reviews you will find that there is a …

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Feline Diabetes caused by fire-retardants in carpets, curtains and upholstery

Feline Diabetes caused by fire-retardants in carpets, curtains and upholstery

I am referring to feline diabetes insipidus which is a rare variation of diabetes. It is not related to insulin production as is the case for diabetes mellitus. I have mentioned the hazardous nature of fire-retardants before but not in relation to causing diabetes. The connection was mentioned in a television program, Trust Me, …

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She must be stupid if she believes cutting the speed limit will save her cats from being run over

Cats killed on road

This is a doctor (a GP), Linda Smith, living in the country in England who lives near a main road (Stanghow Road near New Skelton) where cars can legally travel at 60 mph. She has lost four cats in four years on the road. She wants the council (Redcar and Cleveland Council) to reduces …

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