Natural treatments for feline lower urinary tract disease (LUTD)

Holistic treatments for LUTD

LUTD affects between 1 and 2% of the cat population. Bacterial infections are not a common cause. Cats suffering from the disease are “significantly more likely to be fed dry food exclusively” (Dr. Bruce Fogle in Natural Cat Care). The aim of complimentary, natural treatments to cure LUTD is to reduce the specific gravity …

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Herbal Cat Flea Remedies Are No Safer Than Conventional Treatments

American Pennyroyal

I was looking for safe and natural home treatments for the notorious cat flea (my cat does not have fleas 🙂 ). I thought about herbs. Herbs after all are plants from the natural world. They aren’t manufactured in the laboratory therefore one would think that they would be less toxic. My initial research …

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Natural herbal home treatment for cat urinary tract problems

Tinkle Tonic for pets

A lady’s cat had diarrhoea and bladder problems that hadn’t responded well to conventional veterinary medicine. She tried Tinkle Tonic (a cute name when you think about it): Tinkle Tonic is a great product. It has herbs to sooth the cat’s bladder, etc. I would take a male to the vet immediately because a …

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Cat Parasite Control Complementary Treatments

Here are some tips regarding complementary treatments for cat parasite control. They have been approved by a veterinarian, Dr Fogle, and therefore, although caution needs to be exercised when administering natural home remedies of any sort, these complementary treatments should be safe but always check with your vet. Herbalism can be used in parasite …

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Boosting a Cat’s Immune System Naturally

Conventionally, a cat’s immune system is treated medically in two ways (a) innoculations stimulate the immune system to create antibodies to fight infections and (b) when the immune system goes awry corticosteroids are administered to suppress it. There are some complimentary treatments for the immune system. Practitioners of complimentary treatments say that positive mental …

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