Sectoral heterochromia iridum- a good example in a cat

Sectoral heterochromia in a cat

I think this is an excellent, even dramatic, example of sectoral heterochromia iridum in a domestic cat. It is normally referred to as ‘sectoral heterochromia’. Heterochromia is when the eyes are different colours. We sometimes call this “odd-eye” colour. The phrase ‘sectoral heterochromia’ means that the difference in colours occur across one eye, as …

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White Maine Coon and heterochromia iridum

Maine Coon with odd-eyes

This is a photograph of an all-white Maine Coon cat with heterochromia iridum. In layperson’s language, this beautiful cat has odd-eye colour. And it is a classic case of odd-eye colour because one eye is yellow-gold and the other is blue. The reason why one eye is yellow-gold and the other blue is because …

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