In the UK pets have got to be ‘suitably restrained’ in a travelling vehicle (rule 57 Highway Code)

Rule 57 of the Highway Code forbids unrestrained pets in travelling vehicles

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states the following: When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard …

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In the UK you could be fined £5,000 if your cat or dog is unrestrained inside your vehicle

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states that cats and dogs must be restrained inside a moving vehicle.

In the UK, a cat or dog needs to be restrained inside the car when it is being driven under rule 57 of the Highway Code. I bet you didn’t know that! I didn’t. Knowing the rule possibly doesn’t make a great deal of difference to me or you because you probably almost automatically …

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