How Siamese cats change their colours

Siamese cats should have vivid blue eyes as per the cat associations' breed standards

First a short introduction. Although the history of the Siamese cat in the West is somewhat vague, it would seem with some certainty that a certain Mrs Vyvyan of Dover, UK acquired some of the first Siamese cats in the West. Of course, they came from Siam (now Thailand) ostensibly from the King’s Palace …

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Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) should revise breed standards as the Kennel Club has done for the French bulldog

The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has been under pressure for decades to revise the breed standard i.e. the guidelines, for the flat-faced cat breeds namely the Exotic Shorthair, the Persian and the Himalayan. I hope that the pressure has been ramped up on the news that the Kennel Club has revised its guidelines for …

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7 causes of cat tear stains

There are 7 specific causes of cat tear stains and one underlying reason. Here they are. The list might not be complete. To be clear, tear staining refers to tears running down the face at the corner of the eye causing the fur to stain. It is very obvious and it is abnormal. Because …

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Picture of purebred cat being prepared to be judged at cat show

Picture of what a purebred cat goes through at a cat show before being shown

This is an excellent cat picture by AARON LAVINSKY of the STAR TRIBUNE of Marsha Tjeerdsma, of Springfield, South Dakota, grooming her Himalayan, “Hott Toddy,” before showing him at the 43rd Annual Saintly City Cat Championship Cat Show. The picture caught my eye. It’s a very good photo. Initially I noticed the white powder …

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You have to see this cat. He is called Juno and he’s part Burmese and part Himalayan

Juno - photo: his Instagram account.

Juno is one of those extraordinary domestic cats. You simply will not see another face like his on the Internet. In fact you won’t see a cat anywhere near like this on the Internet. He is unique. He is featured on Instagram. I have got to say that I don’t see anything remotely like …

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Give Persian and Himalayan Cats Room to Breathe with the Help of Regulations

Flat-faced Persian

Both the Persian and the Himalayan cats are breeds known as brachycephalic. This, as you may know, means a skull and face which is, in a general sense, round. In the Persian and Himalayan cat it means that the face is, in fact, flat. The face is compressed. In both dogs and cats (and …

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