Feeding your cat well should reduce the area over which they patrol

Cat feeding

Indoor/outdoor cats do not need to patrol their territory in order to find food when they are well fed. But domestic cats still, instinctively, patrol their ‘home range’ (the area they call home). Domestic cats are attached to their territory as much as they are attached to their human caregiver. It’s about habits and …

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Sand cat has a home range of up to 1,758 square kilometers

Sand Cat

A study has come to the astonishing conclusion that the diminutive sand cat, about the size of a small domestic cat at 7.5 pounds, has an enormous home range in Morocco. Or, perhaps, it doesn’t have a home range at all and is nomadic. Either way the revelation is extraordinary. In Morocco female sand …

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24 facts on problems with multi-cat households and some solutions

Multi-cat home problems

People make the mistake that two cats will automatically be company for each other. They might sometimes but often they don’t become friends. In the worst-case scenario, it may be necessary to rehome one of them. When siblings grow up, they may be no more friendly with each other than unrelated cats. They become …

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Social organisation of the snow leopard

Snow leopard Tost Nature Reserve Mongolia

This page on the social organisation of the snow leopard is divided into two sections: Home ranges Communication Home Ranges It is thought that snow leopards are solitary except when mating and when a female is parenting young. Radio tagging indicated that snow leopards remained between 1.3 and 7.8 kilometres apart depending on the …

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Do bobcats mark their territory? Yes, somewhat like domestic cats.

Bobcat den in snowy rock pile

Yes, according to several sources. Bobcats have home ranges which are well-defined. They are not used by other cats of the same sex. Sometimes they overlap but the common areas are not used simultaneously. It is thought that bobcats don’t defend their home range but indicate their occupancy and avoid encounters with other bobcats …

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Domestic cat territory – home ranges vary widely

How large is domestic cat territory? As large as the front living room. No, I am being sarcastic but for some this is almost true. I am talking about what is referred to as the ‘home range’ of the domestic cat when free to roam as a high percentage are in the UK, but …

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When do tigers leave their mother?

Mother and tiger cub

When do tigers leave their mother? Tigers leave their mother conclusively between 17 and 24 months of age. Males leave earlier than females. By 15 months of age young male adult tigers often leave their mother for several days at a time. They test their independence. Females develop more slowly and stay with their …

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