Home-made cat shelters should not be too big

Home-made cat shelter

This is something which has occurred to me for some time. My thoughts have been renewed by the stories of extreme weather conditions in Texas causing very low temperatures and snow storms. Feral cats are at risk of frostbite and perhaps death. Volunteers engaged in TNR programs will be helping them where possible. Sometimes …

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Let’s think of the feral cats during the exceptionally cold Texas weather

Feral cats in winter are vulnerable to harm

The exceptionally cold Texas weather catastrophe is a global warning. They say that it is a sign of global warming. Fortunately and thankfully the forecast for Houston Texas is that conditions are rapidly warming up this weekend. Temperatures get back to about 20°F. But over the past days I’ve been thinking of the feral …

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Do domestic cats feel the cold and how cold is too cold?

Domestic cat in the cold

Well, domestic cats must feel the cold, common sense tells us that because domestic cats like warmth and they seek out warmth such as laps and boiler rooms. That said domestic cats allowed outside might spend quite a long time outside in near freezing conditions when, for example, watching for mice in a area …

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Are Styrofoam feral cat shelters a good idea?

Styrofoam cooler feral cat shelter covered in black plastic sheeting

In one respect Styrofoam feral cat shelters are an excellent idea because its a way of reusing discarded coolers. Discarded Styrofoam coolers are easy to turn into insulated, warm and effective feral cat shelters. You’ll find videos on how to do it and I remember one rescue organisation building many of them and they …

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Are tires safe as DIY feral and stray cat shelters?

Tires as cat shelters

This is a follow up to Elisa’s article on the topic, which I was prompted to write because a nice lady, Olivia Taylor in Mitchell South Dakota, is reported online making DIY cat shelters from tires. Very laudable but could she do better? My conclusion after some rather difficult research is that tires are …

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Feline Hypothermia and Frostbite

The winter has been brutal in Midwestern United States, I am told by the newspapers online. The subzero temperatures are far lower than any that we experience here in the UK. Midwestern United States is an area which is towards the top and the middle of the US. The region consists of 12 states. …

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