Banned cat sanctuary owner believed in homeopathy and not vets

The Cat Survival Trust

The owner of a large cat sanctuary has been informed that he will face a ban from owning animals following his conviction on animal welfare charges. Terrence Moore, who runs the Cat Survival Trust in Welwyn, Hertfordshire, was convicted on four counts of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. The court heard that the 77-year-old …

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Don’t ignore homeopathy as a possible treatment for your cat

Rescue remedy for cats

Homeopathy is a controversial treatment for ailments in people. It can also be used as a treatment for companion animals. A lot of people think that it is mumbo-jumbo. Scientists tend to think this. Professional people don’t see the science in it, and I expect many veterinarians reject it. I have a scientific bent. …

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Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination

This interesting story throws up questions which should be aired.  Can vaccinations cause autism in cats?  Indeed, can cats become autistic? And finally, can homoeopathy cure a cat of autism? The first question I have for myself is, “what are the symptoms of autism?”.  In children the symptoms are extensive.  In general terms, the …

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Cat Parasite Control Complementary Treatments

Here are some tips regarding complementary treatments for cat parasite control. They have been approved by a veterinarian, Dr Fogle, and therefore, although caution needs to be exercised when administering natural home remedies of any sort, these complementary treatments should be safe but always check with your vet. Herbalism can be used in parasite …

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Homeopathy for Cats

by Michael (London) An old book on Homeopathy with a remedy in a bottle – photo by ausphoto (a.k.a. heritagefutures) What is Homeopathy for cats? Vets who practice it are probably few and far between. Homeopathy was devised and developed by Samuel Hahnemann (10 April 1755 – 2 July 1843) who was a German …

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