Methacrylate in nail polish is a potential hazard to cats

Methacrylate in gel nail polish is toxic and can harm humans. It may be a hazard to cats

I believe that this type of nail polish is a *potential* hazard to cats. I doubt whether there are any studies on it or any scientific papers supporting what I am saying here but logic dictates to me that if women are putting gel nail polish on their nails which contains methacrylate, a toxic …

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Triclosan is harmful to cats although it is used in products for human use (2023)

As an ingredient in household products for human use it is unsafe to have if you have pets particularly cats

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent present in some consumer products such as: toothpaste, soap, detergent, toys, and surgical cleaning treatments. It is used in products for humans. This article was first published in 2012. It has been checked and updated. The information remains relevant more than 10 years later. But Triclosan is …

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Scotch tape is a household hazard for domestic cats

Quincy a cat addicted to eating tape

I didn’t know it because I’ve never seen my cat try to eat Scotch tape i.e. transparent, one-sided tape that we all use, but too many cats like to sniff it, chew it and even eat it. Why do they do this? And is it dangerous? Well, you can answer the latter question very …

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Infestation of slugs in the UK a threat to cats and dogs

Slug and slug pellets

The warm and wet weather in the UK has been great for gardeners in one respect in that it has promoted growth. However, Guy Barter of the Royal Horticultural Society said that slugs have thrived in the mild, wet winter and most regions had rain in June so they have come out to start …

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Did bleaching the kitchen sink make my cat deposit urine near it?

Bleach made my cat pee?

This is very peculiar. We know that household bleach, which is sodium hypochlorite, is an attractant for a majority of domestic cats. It makes them react in a similar way to catnip or at least they are very interested in it. No? My cat certainly falls into that category. When I put bleach down …

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Benzalkonium chloride is in many household products and it is poisonous to domestic cats

Poisoned cat from Benzalkonium Chloride

“Check your household products for ingredients and make a note if one or more contains benzalkonium chloride as it could save your cat from poisoning.” Benzalkonium chloride is another ingredient in household products of many kinds which is poisonous to domestic cats. It once again confirms that the innocous and well kept home can …

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1 in 10 cats afflicted with hyperthyroidism in USA possibly caused by TDCIPP


This is a pet subject of mine. You can’t see it, feel it or smell it but it is dangerous and it affects us and our cat companions. I have written about this before. However, a recent article on the website compels me to address this issue again today. The author says that …

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