ASPCA, HSUS and Best Friends criticised for how they spend their wealth

3 top USA animal charities criticised for how they spend their wealth

Three major American animal welfare charities have been criticised on how they spend their money. These charities are the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Best Friends Animal Society (Best Friends). Criticism The criticism is that the proportion of donations that …

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Horry County cats rescued: It began when a couple with 12 cats sent out a plea for help

September 18 was a big day in the world of animal rescue in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence when emergency officials in Horry County, South Carolina contacted the Animal Rescue Team of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) after a call came in from a couple about their home being flooded. It …

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Love Your Cat or Dog? President Trump Doesn’t

Under the Trump administration a massive amount of animal welfare information has been removed from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) website. The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service removed Animal Welfare Act and Horse Protection Act violation records from its website early in February 2017. Whereas until recently the public had …

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Make Sure Donations to Animal Charities Stay Local

“Make sure donations to animal charities stay local” – wise words? Or put another way, don’t give any more money for the time being to these large animal rights and welfare groups HSUS and ASPCA because your hard earned money might go to the law firms who are acting for these organisations in a …

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