UK: Feral Cat Terrorises Pensioners For Two Days In Their Home

This with the latest cat news story in the UK. The title to the post could equally have been, “how to remove a stray cat from your home”.  I say that because the homeowners lacked the skills and knowledge to deal with this cat properly and I regret to say that their behaviour caused …

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The Bigger Issues Affecting Cats

I’d like to write about the bigger issues which affect our lives and the lives of our cat companions. These issues are at the top level, where politicians and powerful businesses often operate together. They have the greatest impact on us and therefore our cat. What affects us affect our cats. Also what politicians and …

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Do You Suffer From Feline Paralysis?

By Elisa Black-Taylor Do you suffer from feline (also known as cat) paralysis? I read about this “condition” on a popular cat site, as well as in a cat newsletter I subscribe to. Apparently it’s a condition that’s been around a long time, but has gotten worse since many of us have less time …

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Cat Lovers United

Will cat lovers – let’s go wider and say animal lovers – put aside their differences and collaborate for the betterment of all animals including companion cats? When things get difficult humankind tends to work together. All the silly little differences look silly all of a sudden. They lose their importance and people can …

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Many thousands of years ago cats lived wild and free, they hunted and killed prey for survival, they enjoyed the fresh air, the sun and the unpolluted water of the rivers. Yes life was hard and it was survival of the fittest, but cats lived their lives to the full, they found mates and …

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