In general, humans don’t like their anatomy. INFOGRAPHIC.

In general - there are many exceptions - humans don't like their anatomy. Infographic.

In general – there are many exceptions – humans don’t like their anatomy. Infographic. by Michael Broad More: human behaviour Is there any connection between the infographic and cats?! Well, I believe that there is. It’s about sterility. A lot of what we do to ‘improve’ our anatomy is to make it more sterile …

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Cat poisoners often hide in plain sight and can be pillars of the community

Cat poisoner

This is a story which reminds us that typically cat poisoners hide in plain sight, in the community where they live, and can even be ‘pillars of the community’. This is an allegation at this stage and therefore nothing is proved in a criminal court of law; a point that needs to be made …

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A dog’s breed is generally a poor predictor of their behaviour. Infographic.

Banning dogs based on appearance is immoral?

This is Nathan Winograd’s pet campaign and it is a good one. I think he hates the lack of science behind the banning of a dog breed because they are aggressive and dangerous. The title to this post sums up the issue. The recent banning of XL Bully dogs in the UK is a …

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Infographic explains a theory on the origins of the human kiss

Origins of the human kiss

Here is an infographic prepared by me which explains the origins of human kissing as per a theory proposed by Adriano Lameira (and team), an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Warwick in the UK. What all kisses have in common Lameiro concluded was a “protruding of the lips and slight suction”. He then …

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Some suggestions on why cat and dog veterinary visits are higher during a full moon

Full moon dangers for cats?

A study from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that during a full moon there is a slight increase in veterinary visits for cats and dogs which on the face might be considered a little puzzling but I have provided some suggestions. These were emergency veterinary visits and the …

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Gay man’s boyfriend cares more for his cats than him

Can the spouse/partner who doesn’t particularly like cats accept the partner who loves cats and loves spending time with them?

Although this agony aunt story is about cats and an ailurophile (cat lover) who loves his cats it is actually about any relationship be it gay or heterosexual. It doesn’t matter. It’s about accepting the other person for what they are in their totality and if you can’t then the relationship won’t work and …

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Pope Francis is vehemently against people having pets rather than children

We know from previous pronouncements that the current Pope Francis is vehemently against people having pets rather than children. He’s just reinforced that belief while visiting Indonesia. And in doing so he has reignited a long-standing quarrel with families who prefer to have a pet dog or cat rather than children. But they do …

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