Ignorance and literal belief in Bible makes for murder and animal abuse

Biblical concept of human dominion over animals

Although the Bible has many good aspects it also has bad. Many scholars have criticised the Bible which was written around 100 years after the death of Jesus. Why should millions of people follow the advice of people who lived two thousand years ago when the world was far more ignorant than today? The …

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Theory as to why animal abuse is so normalised in China

Poverty leading to a lack of education resulted in a long, generalised history of animal abuse

It seems that there is a general consensus that animal abuse is almost normalised in China. That’s probably an unfair assessment because there are many people very sensitive to animal welfare in China but in generalising China has a very poor reputation regarding animal welfare reflected in the fact that there are no umbrella …

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INFOGRAPHIC Agenda-driven research claims women were the primary hunters in hunter-gatherer societies?

Agenda-driven research claims women were the primary hunters in hunter-gatherer societies?

RELATED: Quora deems picture of cat lying on back with legs splayed offensive My infographic summarises a dispute between two professors; one a Professor of Biology (Cara Wall-Scheffler) and the other a Professor of Anthropology (Vivek Venkataraman). Cara claims that in reviewing the accounts of anthropologists from the 1800s it was clear to her …

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21 human sexualities and gender identities listed. The male tortoiseshell might understand.

Flags of the spectrum of sexualities and gender identities

Of course, cats don’t recognise the 21 different sexualities and gender identities that appear to be accepted nowadays. It is a different world to the way it was 10 years ago. I fully accept these identities and sexualities. I’ve always believed that there is a spectrum of feelings about one’s sexuality and gender. Although …

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Knowledgeable, experienced cat owners do things that cats don’t like

Cat does not like their owners behavior even though he is experienced and knowledgeable

The information for this article on human-to-cat interactions comes from a study which I cite at the end of this article. I’m not saying that all people with lots of knowledge about cat caregiving and lots of experience always interact with their cat in a way that their cat doesn’t like. What I am …

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Daylight saving time (DST) should be abolished

DST should be abolished

Daylight saving time (DST) should be abolished because there are too many negative consequences AND “the economic rationale for daylight saving has largely gone” according to The Times journalist, Tom Whipple. I agree with him. In fact I’ve agreed with him for decades! Daylight saving time is implemented in many countries. Most European countries …

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