New evidence linking dementia and pollution so think about your full-time indoor cat companion

New evidence linking dementia and air pollution. We should think of both ourselves as cat caregivers and our full-time indoor cats

This is an article about feline dementia and the possible causes. I’m going to knit together several strands of information. Firstly, I want to refer to a new study which provides evidence that there is a link between dementia and pollution. Obviously, the study is about humans but it must also be about companion …

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Boring indoor lifestyle may contribute to dementia in domestic cats

Keep active in old age. It applies to pets and people

I am going to stick my neck out in this short note on cat dementia. Yes, domestic cats can suffer from dementia just like their human caregivers. In fact, there’s a lot of similarities between cats and people in terms of their anatomy and physiology. There really is. It’s unsurprising as we are both …

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Does Aktivait improve cognitive function in senile domestic cats?

Aktivait for cats works in my view based on my research

The experts call dementia (senility) in cats and dogs ‘Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome’. Fine but it makes it sound more complicated. When I think of dementia in companion animals and humans I think of a gradual decline and really nothing to stop it. That’s the clear message you get from all the television reports. But …

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Elderly cat owner? Improve your cat caregiving by reading a good newspaper!

Keep reading to keep up cognitive skills in old age

Reading a high-quality newspaper can give you the thinking skills of someone 13 years younger suggests a new study. Personally, I would also suggest that it must be a good quality one which challenges the brain a little bit because that’s the purpose in this instance; to improve the cognitive skills of an elderly …

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Eighty-one-year-old woman with mild dementia loves her robot cat

Eighty-one-year-old woman with mild dementia loves her robot cat

Virginia Smith loves her robot cat. It allows her to express her love for cats. You can see this so clearly. It is such a joy to see. Elderly people who have to live in residential care homes are often taken from the joy of their life: their cat companion. Virginia had been a …

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Is Gum Disease in Cats Partly Responsible for Feline Dementia?

Gum disease in cats

I just have to raise this question and it is just a question. The reason why I am asking the question is because (a) gum disease is common in domestic cats and (b) research indicates that, in humans, Alzheimer’s patients declined six times more quickly if their gums were in poor condition and diseased. …

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Benefits Of Enduring Memory Of Lost Pets For Dementia Sufferers

Memory loss is one of the well-known symptoms of dementia. Janine Valentine, a nurse consultant for dementia and the elderly at Yeovil Hospital in the UK, has discovered that one of the enduring memories of dementia patient is of their deceased pet or a pet they once cared for. My immediate thought about this …

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