Cat ownership blocks dinner party invite

AITA for not inviting someone for dinner because she made a big deal out of how she doesn’t eat at the homes of people who have cats?

A female cat owner did not invite a ‘friend’ (let’s say acquaintance), Rose, to her dinner party because she knew that Rose did not eat at homes where there were domestic cats. Simple, and many would argue sensible not to invite her. In fact, to invite Rose would have been perverse. Nothing to discuss …

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Between 30% and 50% of partners prefer their pet to their partner

Up to 50% women or men prefer their pet to their partner

You will see various statistics on this topic. All are interesting and perhaps a little shocking. My quick research indicated that between about 30% and about 50% of people in a relationship with another person prefer their cat or dog companion compared to their human partner. One website’s article from 2022 refers to a …

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Why do cats scratch some owners more than others?

Stress and irritability can lead to more cat scratches

I’d like to focus on one aspect of cat caregiving and a vital one. There is no doubt that a small percentage of cat owners are scratched by their cat not infrequently while other cat owners are hardly ever scratched. We don’t have percentages as there is no data on this. Socialised and healthy …

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Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

For me, this is an interesting story of family strife and cat love. Two opposites really. The story kind of highlights how a person can love a cat but dislike their mother and sister. And that mentality sticks for their whole life. AITA: Am I the asshole? SCENARIO: the website, a woman asks, …

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Man asks AITA for telling girlfriend to give her cats to a shelter. Response: YTA.

Man asks AITA for demanding that his gf gives up her cats if she lives with him

Scenario: This is about the impossibility of an ailurophile living with an ailurophobe! Man gets good job and wants to buy a house. His brother will live with him. Both hate cats. His girlfriend loves cats and has 2. He tells her that she will have to give the cats to a shelter if …

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Do you feel that you are a parent to your cat?

Are you a parent to your cat?

There has been a rise in interspecies families and in parallel a decline in marriage. In the UK, for instance, there are 1.2 million more people in the age brackets 25-35 unmarried in 2021 compared to 10 years earlier. The decline in marriage opens a door to a rise in a different kind of …

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How fast can you tie your laces? What we are taught sticks.

What we are taught counts

How fast can you tie your laces? Stupid question, yes? Perhaps not. We are taught how to tie laces when we are kids. There are many different ways of doing it. I think the way I was taught is a good one. A good friend of mine has a slower method; no blame on …

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