Discussion: Your thoughts on a Facebook post about flooding prediction in Houston that was dismissed as ‘fake news’

This article is definitely out of the ordinary for me because it’s not about cats and dogs being rescued. Except it actually IS about cats and dogs (and other pets) being rescued. The fact is, Houston residents actually had some warning about the historic storm and it came in the form of the Facebook …

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Video of cats being rescued during Hurricane Harvey

Cats rescued during Hurricane Harvey

I went through hell and high water to find this video of cats being rescued during Hurricane Harvey! I really wanted to try and capture a flavor of cat rescue during this epic hurricane which has been reported on internationally. Almost all the videos and still photographs are of dogs being rescued. Cats rescued …

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Pets are now allowed at Houston evacuee shelters in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Cats in flood

According to an August 28 update by Alley Cat Allies, Houston evacuee shelters in the path of flood damage by Hurricane Harvey are now accepting pets. Their website announced “Pets are now allowed at Houston evacuee shelters in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, thanks to a decision made by the city’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, and …

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