How long can a domestic cat go without food?

Domestic cat not eating

The question is meant to help cat owners who are aware that their cat has stopped eating for an unknown reason and the question enters their mind as to how long their cat can stop feeding until further problems arise. It would be an unlikely scenario, however. And, it is difficult to find an …

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Cat Pain Detector assesses portrait photo. Available now.

Cat Pain Detector by careology

This is available right now online using a laptop. I’ve just used it. I used a photo of a Bengal cat that I had on file. He is not my cat. This cat looks healthy and not in pain. In fact, he is a rescue cat who’s been at a shelter for 12 months …

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Can cats cause sinusitis in people who are NOT allergic to cats?

Sinusitis in humans caused by cats?

Google does not help me in answering the question in the title. I’ll have to work it out. Although the question may have occurred to many people. Sinusitis is one of the most common health complaints leading to a physician visit in the United States. It’ll be the same in many Western, Asian and …

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