Is my cat suffering paw pain from a declaw she endured as a young kitty?

My name is Tina and I believe that my cat, Mollie Ann, is having paw pain from a declaw she endured as a young kitty. I’d like her paws to be X-rayed to find out if anything is wrong but I can’t afford it. Mollie originally lived with an elderly lady who died. My …

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A cat should never be disturbed while toileting on a litter tray

A cat should never be disturbed for any reason while toileting on a litter tray. Here is a really nice example of how things can go wrong. Serena Cuthbertson’s cat, Fantasia, was ill and her vet prescribed pills. Serena had to administer them. We know how tricky that can be. After a few successful …

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Declawing created a cat from hell

This is a very instructional video about the impact that declawing can have on a cat’s behaviour and health. It is such a classic. A genuine cat expert, Jackson Galaxy (exotic name, sensible thinking), properly analysed this sweet looking Himalayan cat’s behaviour. Her name is “Fi”. The problem that this cat suffered from, which …

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Fireworks kept my cat in but he learnt to use the litter

Charlie my cat

Charlie, my cat, is terrified of the sound of fireworks. Even distant thumps make him look wide-eyed in terror. His ears are permanently pricked up or swiveling to locate the the source of the sound. Some cats are much less bothered about the noise of fireworks but for some, like Charlie, it seems to …

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Quotes on Declawing and Litter Box Aversion

This is a list of quotes from vets, scientists and specialists on one topic: Declawing often leads to litter box aversion. The quotes come from the Save Our Paws website. “In some cases, when declawed cats use the litterbox after surgery, their feet are so tender they associate their new pain with the box… permanently, …

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Marcus Won’t Use A Litter Tray in New Home

Hi, I received an email from Leanne of Kays Hill Animal Sanctaury. She wrote about Marcus, a lovely, solid, black and white, male rescue cat who looked after Gerty, another rescue cat at the sanctuary, for a while. Here is the email. Leanne wants some help. I make some comments myself below Leanne’s email. …

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My cat jumps into the litter box but pees outside. Help!

This is an “inappropriate elimination” cat behavior problem with several possible reasons. The situation is as follows: The cat jumps into the litter but regularly pees outside the litter tray. I have made the presumption that he pops into the litter tray and then jumps out and pees somewhere else. Or he just pees …

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Litter Box Intimidation. Help Please

This is today’s cat behavior problem. It is quite a tricky one: Miss A has two cats: Freddie and Freda – one male and one female. They have been with each other since birth and are 5 years old (amended due to Ruth’s comment – see below!). Each has their own litter box. The …

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