Infographic on osteoarthritis in domestic cats (plus more)

Infographic on osteoarthritis in older cats

Thanks to advances in nutrition and veterinary medicine plus the advantages to health when living full-time indoors, domestic cats nowadays are living longer. There are probably more elderly cats today than there were in the past. VCA Hospitals say “The population of senior and geriatric cats is increasing”. Therefore, there are more older cats …

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Infographic on 4 reasons why cats love to sit on laptops

4 reasons why cats love to sit on laptops with tips to stop it

Perhaps the more important topic is a little philosophical: should we try and stop cats sitting on laptops? The obvious response is no BUT how do we work or entertain ourselves with laptops? With a bit of difficulty. The answer is to find a nice compromise. You let your cat come to you when …

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Infographic on ‘Nursing the cat flu patient’

Nursing the cat flu patient

A simple infographic covering the salient points when nursing a cat with flu. As you know there is no cure for cat flu as there is no cure for human flu. The body has to do the work through its immune system and the production of antibodies, but you can help the body fight …

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Infographic guide on the characteristics of cat diarrhoea

Infographic on 'Characteristics of cat diarrhoea'

This is an infographic guide for cat sh*t shovelers 😎😒. Full-time indoor cats and some indoor/outdoor cats use litter trays. A great opportunity for their caregiver to inspect the stool (faeces) which is good because it helps keep a handle on cat health. They (the amateur experts) say that if a cat goes to …

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Infographic on roundworm transmission, cure and prevention

Roundworm the most common in domestic cats

“Roundworms (Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati) are the most common intestinal parasite of cats, with an estimated prevalence of 25% to 75%, and often higher in kittens” – Cornell. That says it all. Very common disease in young cats particularly on my understanding and endoparasites can be fatal in young, vulnerable kittens. Indoor/outdoor cats, …

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Infographic on 4 travel situations when you might check for a cat

4 situations when travelling when you might check for a cat!

I can think of four (but there will be more) situations if travelling when it might be prudent to take a little bit of time to check that your cat is about and not trapped and about to be transported away. All four situations described and illustrated in the infographic have occurred and some …

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