Infographic on 12 reasons why a cat might mess in the home

Infographic on 12 reasons why a cat might mess their home

Well, I think that this extensively covered problem is nicely told in an infographic. So, here it is. It is free to use as stated in the caption. So called inappropriate elimination is a really a euphemism. It means that the cat is actually eliminating appropriately from their perspective but their owner doesn’t like …

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Infographic on cat punishment versus divine intervention

Infographic on cat training - divine intervention versus punishment

I am not going to add many more words other than those in the infographic as I believe it explains the difference well. A problem is that people can understandably relate to their cat companion as a little human and family member because that is what they are for many cat caregivers. Or they …

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Medieval domestic cat monetary value (infographic)

Medieval times domestic cat value

In medieval times a labourer earned 2 pence per day. That’s about £300 in today’s money. An adult cat mouser was worth about 4 pence or two day’s wages. In today’s money: around £600. This is for a standard moggie. The value is not hugely dissimilar to that of purebred cats today at about …

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Infographic on domestic cat coat grooming care

Cat grooming and hygiene - human intervention

Here are some brief notes in the form of an infographic on human intervention in helping their cat to maintain a good and healthy coat. In terms of hygiene and keeping the coat in excellent condition, human intervention is only normally needed for semi-longhaired and longhaired cats (mainly the latter). Through selective breeding, the …

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Infographic on feline weight control

Infographic on feline weight control

A tetchy topic. I mean: it can make people tetchy because at the end of the day feline obesity is down to people. The poor cat is the long-suffering victim. That’s hard to bear for many humans. It sounds like I am criticising people but I am not. I understand the difficulties. Most human …

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