Pica in cats can be caused by iron deficiency

PICA due to iron deficiency

Yesterday I was reading an article about a woman who habitually eight matchsticks for years. Yes, she ate unused matches. It struck me, as I am sure it would other people, as bizarre and disturbing. But she was diagnosed with iron deficiency. There was a simple cure. A sad story. In feline terms she …

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Infographic on lynx feet

Lynx feet

Lynx feet are amazing; so large compared to other wild cats of the same size. Disproportionately large. I saw a nice photo which illustrates this necessary evolutionary feature and used it to create the infographic below. The information comes from Wild Cats of the World. Below the infographic are links to some more articles …

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How much do white tigers cost (and more)?

How much do white tigers cost?

They used to cost around $50,000 each in the USA (1992). I have seen various prices from $40,000 to $65,000. However, things have changed dramatically in the USA, the home of the captive white tiger. The Big Cat Public Safety Act, promoted by Carole Baskin (BCR), has banned the private ownership of wild cats …

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Infographic on cheetah description

cheetah description

This is a free-to-use infographic describing the cheetah. It has to be very compact but the salient points are made. The cheetah is almost entirely built for speed. It is the way the cat has evolved. It’s talent and ability to catch prey is built around speed at up to around 70 mph (max) …

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Cats in multi-cat homes ‘time share’ and use tail positions to keep the peace

Tail positions can keep the peace in multi-cat homes

A study described the use of space and patterns of interaction among a group of 14 unrelated domestic cats living in a single-story house. Although I am referring to a scientific study, cat owners should not be put off by that because the findings are interesting. Cats are very intelligent in finding ways to …

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