Tabby hair strand anatomy and pattern. Infographic.

In summary, the tabby pattern is the result of agouti-banded hairs clustering in specific regions, directed by genetic factors, and creating visible markings on the cat’s coat. The tabby pattern in a domestic cat’s coat is created by the arrangement of individual tabby hair strands, which exhibit a unique banding pattern of pigmentation. This …

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Don’t anthropomorphize domestic cat sleep patterns. Infographic.

Don't anthropomorphize domestic cat sleep patterns. Infographic.

The infographic below explains what I mean in the title. I see a lot of online news media writers in particular getting this entirely wrong. They impliedly criticise the domestic cat for sleeping 18 hours a day which indicates slothfulness and indolence. You’ll also see it on social media and the big forum websites …

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What is the black cat personality?

Charlie my cat

I’ve been doing some research on black cat personality and it is striking to report that their personality is almost diametrically opposed to the diabolical image that they have thanks to their association with witches in the Middle Ages. I can refer to at least three good sources on black cat personality which I …

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White domestic cats often make bad mothers

Deaf white cats

The title sounds unfair and biased but it isn’t as it is based in biological fact. The prevalence of deafness in pure white domestic cats varies depending on whether they have two blue eyes (the highest proportion of deaf cats), odd-eye colour or non-blue eyes (least likely to be deaf in both ears). Where …

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Theory for the reason why grey cats are ‘blue’ (infographic)

Blue Female Scottish Fold12

You know that in the cat fancy grey cats are called blue cats. The best known is the ‘Blue British Shorthair’. This is a grey-furred cat. Grey fur is caused by the presence of the dilution gene. It causes the melanin pigment clumps in each hair strand to be dispersed with gaps as shown …

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What is a wallflower cat?

Timid cat

Jackson Galaxy uses the phrase “wallflower cat” in his book Total Cat Mojo. He also uses the phrase “the raw cat” a lot as it is fundamental to his ideas. The two are linked. When you tap into a domestic cat’s mojo, they are more content and more confident. They behave more naturally because …

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