Cat peeing because of new dog, new cat, or new baby

Home treatment for cat cystitis

There are two clear, major possible reasons why a domestic cat might be peeing because there is either a new baby, new dog, new cat or anything else that is new in the home and the reasons are (1) idiopathic cystitis and (2) spraying to mark territory. Idiopathic cystitis Idiopathic cystitis is exacerbated by …

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Adding a cat: the right combination in terms of gender and family ties

A lot has been written about introducing a new cat to a resident cat’s home. There are often difficulties because the resident cat’s home is their ‘home range’ (to use wild cat language) and it is being invaded by a hostile outsider. This may lead to aggresssion. All the advice is about slowly introducing …

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Black Cats are Indeed Mysterious and they often become Invisible

I recently announced our formal adoption of Edgar Allen Poe, the adorable five month-old black kitten. As I was reading the comments, I was both thrilled and delighted with all the supportive, happy feedback. In fact some folks called us “heroes” for adopting a black kitten. They sent us many blessings. However I didn’t …

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Cat Tip: Preparing for a new cat

In general, cat owners tend to assume that cats will get along in multi-cat households. There is an assumption that, at the end of the day, all will be well and sometimes not a lot of consideration is given to the possibility of a disharmonious group of cats. This can happen despite the domestic …

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