Do Persian cats come from Persia?

Today, Persia is Iran. Fortunately, we have at our disposal a well-known study which evaluated the genetics of cat breeds and worldwide random-bread populations. One objective, as I understand it, of this study was to look at the origins of the breeds and see whether the modern-day cat breeds can be traced back to …

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Proposed pet ban in Iran: Islamic parliamentarians versus secular citizens

Iranian woman inside her home in the capital Tehran with her 2 dogs

NEWS AND COMMENT-IRAN: The Iranian government has proposed a nationwide, blanket ban on pets. To me, it looks like a battle of wits between the strongly Islamic Iranian government and the secular citizens of Iran. It’s a battle between ancient and modern beliefs. The Islamic faith roots people in the past. Secular beliefs enlightened …

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Paranoid Iranian government locked up cheetah conservationists as US and Israeli spies

Iranian cheetahs

The Iranian government is generally paranoid nowadays. They think that everyone is spying on them, looking for ways to undermine the country. They hate America and Israel and their blood is boiling for violence. Trump makes it worse. Wildlife conservation suffers due to the follies of humankind. Where does it leave cheetah conservation in …

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Campaigners tracking the movements of Asiatic cheetahs in Iran have been imprisoned for spying

Asiatic cheetah

This is an opinion piece essentially because I’m going to say right away that this story indicates once again how the Iranian government have a habit of jailing innocent people in order to provide them with leverage against those governments they consider to be their enemies. They have done this numerous times and this …

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What is it like for cats in Iran?

No idea 😉 That is not quite true. I am always interested in finding out about cats in countries other than in the group of countries that we call “the West”. For me, the West is Europe and North America but everyone has their own interpretation. We shouldn’t forget Russia, which has a big …

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