Are jaguars good swimmers? Bloody hell YES! Infographic and video.

Jaguars are excellent swimmers

Jaguars are probably the best swimmers of all the felines. They are certainly the best underwater swimmers. Tigers are a pretty close second. Jaguars have an extraordinary ability to swim under water in an entirely natural way as if they’ve been transformed into an aquatic animal. The video illustrates this admirably. The infographic contains …

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Jaguar habitat – normally a variety of tropical and subtropical terrain

Picture of jaguar killing caiman

Jaguars can be seen in a range of tropical and subtropical habitats. They can live at sea level to about 1,200 m above sea level. There are records of jaguars living at 3,800 m above sea level in Costa Rica and at 2,700 m in Bolivia while in Peru jaguar tracks have been seen …

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How do jaguars communicate?

How do Jaguars adapt to the rainforest?

Jaguars communicate primarily through the sounds that they make (vocalisations) and in addition through: urine spraying, scrapes i.e. claw marks on the ground and objects, and depositing their faeces in prominent locations. They use these communications to indicate their occupancy of their home ranges which is the territory that they occupy, which they call …

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What do jaguars eat the most?

Peccary (javelina or skunk pig) is a favorite prey of the jaguar

The jaguar seems to prefer peccaries (javelina or skunk pig) although their diet reflects the abundance of whatever prey animal is available. There have been a number of studies which indicate that jaguars “have a particular fondness for peccaries” (the words of Fiona Sunquist in Wildcats of the World page 309). She is referring …

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