Where do jaguars live (2022)?

How do Jaguars adapt to the rainforest?

Where do Jaguars live? is a question quite a lot of people ask and the answer is a little surprising because we are used to the big wild cats living in Africa (leopard, lion, cheetah) and Asia (tiger, leopard). Jaguar – photo by Property#1 (Very Busy) (new window) RELATED: Are jaguars…13 questions answered about …

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Jaguarete – mystery cat?

Picture of a melanistic jaguar

The jaguarete is better spelled with an accent acute over the last ‘e’ like this: jaguareté. This means it should be pronounced: jaguareteh as in saying ‘eh you’ or ‘Eh? What’s this?’. I don’t believe that it should be capitalised because it is not a proper noun. Although early naturalists referred to the jaguarete …

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History of the big cats – a summary

Palaeolithic cave paintings of European Cave Lions.

Here is a potted history of the big cats by a student of the wild cats – me. It is not meant to be overly heavy 😉. The big cats are grouped together because they can all roar. The puma (not one of the big cats) is bigger than the leopard but cannot roar …

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Jaguar habitat – normally a variety of tropical and subtropical terrain

Picture of jaguar killing caiman

Jaguars can be seen in a range of tropical and subtropical habitats. They can live at sea level to about 1,200 m above sea level. There are records of jaguars living at 3,800 m above sea level in Costa Rica and at 2,700 m in Bolivia while in Peru jaguar tracks have been seen …

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Picture of a beautiful black jaguar a.k.a. black panther (melanistic jaguar)

Picture of a melanistic jaguar

This is a great picture from a short video made by The Big Cat Sanctuary showing Neron, a male, melanistic jaguar. The spots are called rosettes and they are nicely visible. It shows that black jaguars, a.k.a. “black panthers” are not completely jet black. They often retain ghost markings but the markings on Neron …

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